Earth is your Home

A couple of years ago this article in the NYTimes about Paulette Cole in the NYTimes caught my eye. The idea that a company would factor in to their business plan environmental consciousness and social resonance was inspiring because it was being instituted by the owner of the company as a reflection of her own values. This wasn't a design or product trend that they were capitalizing on- this wasn't something that was being injected on the surface, this was happening at the root of this business' decision making. I have since made it a point to visit ABC Home and support them whenever I can- my most recent purchase a beautiful wool paisley shawl.

Recently I walked by their windows, something I always enjoy and their message continues to resonate. Coincidentally I noticed some press they've been recieving recently about their new initiative Home & Planet. Go support a company that continues to be principled about what they do- not forgetting that the taste level of everything in there is of an equally high standard.